Flashdance – Maniac By LN2 May 14, 2024 / No Comments I don’t think anyone would be considered misguided in believing that in just the past few decades we have experienced a big change in the number of women who have tried to make this level of exercise a priority in their lives. Flashdance was released in 1983, and a lot of change has come about with men’s attitudes towards how they view women, yet the one thing that hasn’t changed (and likely never will) is the level of attraction a man will have for any woman who can show even the most basic commitment to improving her physical self. It’s not like every man thinks that every women needs to achieve the level of physical ability and image of a Jennifer Beales in Flashdance, (or needs to even come close to that level, regardless of the efforts by so many to paint all men with the same brush) it’s that there are very few things that can give a man a sense of security when entering into a relationship, along with the incentive to want to take the time and energy involved in pursuing a long term relationship with a woman, than to see her working on herself physically. And for any women who may not agree, I strongly urge them to just take a good look at what happens over time in any relationship where she decided to do nothing to work on herself. Usually nothing is ever said, but they can be rest assured there will be friction and often a lot of frustration because of so many allowances being made to accommodate the lack of someone’s needs being met. Yes we all age. Yes we all change and our bodies change and we will not always be able to do what we used to do. But there is nothing that will establish a sense of security for the future with someone than if they see their partner investing time and energy in being around for a long while by exercise and a good diet. Women can apply whatever beauty products they want and put on the most expensive designer clothing on the market, but nothing can match the affect on a man’s level of desire more than the change that comes about in the appearance of a woman who has invested time and energy in her physical well being. Period!